Hello! This past week, I've had two french people living with me, Lou and Melvin because I have french class in school and we decided to do an exchange. Me and a part of my class is therefore going to Anger, a place in France, in March. I'm gonna live with Lou and I'm really looking forward to going there. Although, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I thought I could tell you what we've done this week.
They were supposed to arrive 01:35 at thursday but were somewhere between half an hour and an hour late. Luckily, I live pretty near so I was still at home when I learned that their bus was late, but some of the others from my class live further away and had already went to the bus station and had to stand out in the colt and freeze for a really pretty long time.
At the afternoon, the same day, we had french class and me, Robin, Pierre and Simon had made a "quiz walk" to make the french familiar with the school. After that we had fika. After school, we showed them around in town. We sat down at a café for a while because, eh, I guess some people were a bit tired and wanted to rest for a while. After that, we found free mulled wine/glögg (without alcohol of cource).
At friday evening, we divided the group into two. Half of the group had a movienight at Einar's house and the rest were at my house, playing videogames, drinking glögg and just talking. It was really nice to mingle with everyone and just have a good time, even though I, and I guess some of the others, was really tired. I think I didn't get to sleep until about 02:00 that day (technically the next day).
At saturday I left Lou and Melvin alone with my parents because I hade to go to rehersal before a concert. It was really fun to sing with more people than just my choir. It was much more powerful, and I got so nostalgic from singing at that concert. The only downside with it was that my legs and feet hurt really bad after standing still and singing for so long. After that, at the evening, Lou and Melvin made crêpes and we had caramel au beurre salé, that Lou gave us, to it. It was délicieux! ^^ Simon and his french friend, Pierre, came over and we watched American Horror Story (S01E01). We wanted to keep watching but the next episode had the sound from another movie and it was really weird... instead we watched things at youtube.
At sunday, we made swedish meatballs and gingerbread (I think I've accidentally called it cinnamon bread the whole week... woups). In the afternoon, we went ice skating with the whole french group and it was really fun. We also had a snowball fight at the ice. It was big pieces of ice in some of the snow, so it was maybe not the smartest thing to do. None of us got hurt though so it's okay. ;) Furthermore, it was really fun to watch those who weren't that good at skating in the beginning get much better in such short time. Well done.
At monday, the french people went to Stockholm so it was a pretty normal day for us sweeds. I tried to study, but it didn't go so well because I was so tired from doing stuff all the time. I mostly just chilled that day.
Yesterday was the last day we did something together. The whole group went bowling and ate pizza. It was really fun... just like everything else. Although, it was a really long time since I last went bowling so it didn't go so well... but I we were mostly there to do something fun toghether so it didn't matter. Afterwards, I was so full from all the pizza. I only left one litte slice, even if I felt that I was full before I had even at half of the pizza. When we got home, I kept on eating, just because... well it's nice to eat. It's my hobby. ;)
Today I almost didn't see my awesome french friends, except in the morning and at lunch when we said goodbye. I'm really gonna miss them I think. I just got used to have a roommate and now I have to get used to have my own room again. Oh well, I'm gonna see them again in a few months so it's okay. I think I understand a bit more french now too (but not talk better, because we spoke english all the time) so that's good. I've also learned that french and swedish school is much more different than I first thought, and I kind of see swedish school a bit different now.
The best part thogh, was to get to know these really nice people and make new friends.
fina bilder!! :D
Coucou c'est Lou :)
C'est super que tu ais écrit en anglais, je peux comprendre ^.^
La Suède et les personnes suédoises me manque :d
A bientôt, en mars ! :)